As Mother's Day approaches, I find myself trying to think what to get for my mom. Every year I struggle to think of the perfect gift. While I was growing up, I always thought that my mother was the perfect example of love. Not only did she dedicate her time to her children, husband, and family, but she also reserved time to spend with God. Her passion for her maker was always so strong, that it seemed to just bubble out of her. When I think of Mary and who she was to Jesus, I often wonder if he also felt so blessed by her. Remembering the little things that I've shared and done and the conversations that we have had, I will cherish those moments with my mother for the rest of my life. Jesus, probably has so many of those as well, and a bond that grew as deep as the roots of a great oak tree. The mother and child relationship is so significant, for the place that a mother fills is one that comforts with an unconditional love. She is a creation that offers an example of how God loves us. Her grace, beauty, and faith is a witness to us of how to live our lives. Walking with grace in the things that we do, finding beauty in all things and in God's creation, and having faith that God will provide for all our needs and that we will come to know Him as Lord from the depths of our being. It is these things that a mother gives to her children, through her love and her walk throughout life. There are many who have grown up without, or with broken relationships with their mother. The hurt that becomes so familiar is one that can tear the soul apart, consumed with bitterness. But wait! There is hope, God comes, He heals, and HE loves. He can take that relationship and make it new! He can also take, step in, and fill that spot becoming like our mother. He is also so faithful in His love, that He will always bring someone into our life that we can look to as a mother. God never fails, He never ceases, He never abandons. He will always provide, even when it is a mother. I thank God for the woman that my mother is. I would not be who I am without her. I know that I will find a gift, but it can never show her my deep appreciation for the effect she has had on me. I only hope, that one day I can thank her by being the kind of mother she was, for my own children. God bless my mother, for You have made her to be such a blessing to everyone her life touches, especially mine. I love you mom.